Lenders consider construction a high-risk industry. This may be the reason you could have trouble getting a prime-rate term loan or any loan for that matter, from a bank. This makes it tricky for general contractors to get the financing needed to complete or start a job. Here at Fortedge Funding we will find the right funding options specifically available to general contractors, so your business can grow.
SBA Loans
The Small Business Administration (SBA) offers government-backed financing to businesses that have struggled to qualify for a bank loan. Since construction is considered a risky industry, SBA loans might offer the lowest rates you're able to qualify for.
Invoice Factoring/Financing
Invoice financing gives you an advance on your client's unpaid invoices when you need funds to complete the job. Typically you can receive up to 85% to 100% of your invoice's value upfront. And when your clients pay their invoices, you pay off your advance. Usually invoice financing charge a monthly rate of around 3% to 5% of the advance.
Equipment Financing
Equipment financing includes loans and leases to buy the equipment your business needs to complete a construction project. You can typically borrow between 80% and 100% of the equipment's value — though some companies offer as much as 400%. Typically, terms are based on how long the lender thinks the equipment will be useful.
Short-term Business Loans
Short-term business loans give you a lump sum that you pay plus installments over six to 18 months. They’re often available to high-risk industries like construction. They’re also usually friendly to newly established businesses and bad credit borrowers. And you can get funded within a few days.
Lines of Credit
A line of credit offers your company access to cash as needed to cover a long-term project. These are best for working capital expenses when you're filling a contract, after you've bought your equipment and the basic supplies you know you'll need.
Which loan offer is best for your business?
Finding the right loan offer starts with narrowing down the right type of financing.
If you’re in need of heavy machinery, an equipment financing loan might be the right option.
Struggling with cash flow? A line of credit or invoice factoring could be a better bet.
Need funding specifically to finish a project? An SBA Contract CAPLine is an option.